Scene from the grounds of the St Thome House | Scène de la maison de Santhome

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2 small male figures, a cart, 2 oxen, and a long-legged bird stand in the left foreground, before a vast coastal scene with a low white building with a brown roof to the left, and dense vegetation and an arched bridge leading off to the right. Tall palm trees pepper the scene. In the distance a domed building on the shore and a ship on the water.
2 small male figures, a cart, 2 oxen, and a long-legged bird stand in the left foreground, before a vast coastal scene with a low white building with a brown roof to the left, and dense vegetation and an arched bridge leading off to the right. Tall palm trees pepper the scene. In the distance a domed building on the shore and a ship on the water.

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